Monday, March 15, 2010

Puffle Rescue is Here!

Club Penguin's new game, Puffle Rescue is here! Check out the new starter screen for the game!
When you go down in the mine there will be a bulletin board off to the left of the cave entrance! Click it and you will enter the game!
You can choose 3 different puffles to rescue! There's the blue puffle which everyone can rescue and then there's the pink and black puffle which is only for members!
Whenever you save a puffle you get a cute little thank you card!
For members the only way to get into the underwater room is to find the black key to unlock the door! The only way to get it is to follow the shadow on level one when rescuing the black puffle!
When you eneter the underwater room, you can get a new Moss Key Pin! Sweet!

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